Community stories

Join our supportive community to share your story and connect with other families.

Find your place in our community

Multigenerational family gathering around baby

We’re all connected through our stories. And whatever experience has led you here—be it a preterm birth, NICU stay, or loss—we have a place for you here. Our online communities provide trusted information and advice, helpful resources, and caring people who want to connect.

Share Your Story

Share Your Story is a welcoming environment for families to share their story and connect with other moms, dads, and families who understand first-hand the challenges and triumphs that can happen throughout the pregnancy journey.


Social media

Levi Ortega brother holding mom dad

Facebook community

Families everywhere join the March of Dimes community group on Facebook to find support, comfort, and friendship. Get advice from a caring group on the challenges you're experiencing and also learn about all the resources available through March of Dimes and local initiatives.