Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds
If you intend to make a gift to support March of Dimes’ fight for the health of all moms and babies, it may be more beneficial for you to use appreciated stock, bonds or mutual funds rather than cash because of potential tax savings.

IRA charitable rollover
If you’re age 70.5 or older, you may be eligible for the IRA Charitable Rollover which allows you to make a gift to March of Dimes from your IRA without paying income tax on the amount transferred.

Questions? We're here to help.
If you have questions about giving a gift of appreciated stock or from an Individual Retirement Account please contact Karyn DeMartini at [email protected] or (415) 217-6362.
Please send gifts to the following address:
March of Dimes
P.O. Box 3155
Harlan, IA 51593-0346