This year’s Report Card offers a comprehensive overview of the health of moms and babies across the U.S. The report grades the U.S. states, Puerto Rico and 100 cities on preterm birth rates, and includes other information such as infant death, social vulnerability, low-risk cesarean births, and state efforts on Medicaid expansion and extension, doula and midwives legislation/policies, among other factors and outlines important policy solutions that can make a difference.
Choose your state to see how it ranks on this year’s Report Card.
Download the full March of Dimes 2021 Report Card. (pdf, 14.8 mb)
Download Spanish version of March of Dimes 2021 Report Card. (pdf, 4.5 mb)
You can take action now to raise awareness of the maternal and infant health crisis and create change in your community.
- Share: Use our social toolkit to share the Report Card and your state’s information on social media—be sure to tag @marchofdimes and use #PrematurityAwarenessMonth and #WorldPrematurityDay.
- Advocate: Demand #BlanketChange from Congress at
- Give: Join us to fight for all moms and babies by donating today.