Key Points
It’s safe to get the flu shot. It protects you and your baby from serious health problems during pregnancy.
Pregnant people who get the flu are more likely than those who don’t get it to have problems, like preterm labor and preterm birth.
If you think you have the flu, call your health care provider right away. Quick treatment can help prevent serious flu complications.
What is the flu?
Influenza (also called flu) is a virus that can cause serious illness. It’s more than just a runny nose and sore throat. The flu can make you very sick, and it can be especially harmful if you get it during or right after pregnancy.
How does the flu spread?
The flu spreads easily from person to person. When someone with the flu coughs, sneezes or speaks, little droplets with the virus spread through the air and can cause you to get sick if they land on your mouth or if you breathe them in.
People with the flu may be able to infect others from 1 day before they get sick up to 5 to 7 days after. People who are very sick with the flu or young children may be able to spread the flu longer, especially if they still have symptoms.
How can the flu harm your pregnancy?
Health complications from the flu, like a lung infection called pneumonia, can be serious and even deadly, especially during pregnancy. If you get the flu during pregnancy, you’re more likely than other adults to have serious complications. Getting a flu shot can help reduce your risk of getting the flu, having serious flu complications and needing treatment in a hospital.
Pregnant people who get the flu are more likely than those who don’t get it to experience preterm labor (labor that happens before 37 weeks of pregnancy) and have a preterm birth (birth that happens before 37 weeks of pregnancy). Fever from the flu early in pregnancy may be linked to birth defects, like neural tube defects, and other problems in your baby. Neural tube defects are birth defects of the brain and spinal cord.
How does the flu shot help protect you from flu?
Flu vaccines help the body produce antibodies about two weeks after getting vaccinated. These antibodies protect against flu illness. Getting a flu shot will not cause you to get the flu. It’s safe to get a flu shot any time during pregnancy, but it’s best to get it before flu season (which usually runs from October through May). Even though you’re more likely to get the flu during flu season, you can get it any time of year.
There are many different flu viruses, and they’re always changing. Each year a new flu vaccine is made to protect against the flu viruses that are likely to make people sick during the upcoming flu season. Protection from a flu shot only lasts about a year, so it’s important to get a flu shot every year. You can get the shot from your health care provider, and many pharmacies and work places offer it each fall. Use the HealthMap Vaccine Finder to find out where you can get the flu vaccine.
Is it safe to get a flu shot during pregnancy?
It’s safe for most pregnant people to get the flu shot. Tell your health care provider if you have any severe allergies or if you’ve ever had a severe allergic reaction to a flu shot. Severe allergic reactions to flu shots are rare. If you’re worried about being allergic to components in the flu shot, talk to your provider to make sure it’s safe for you. If you have a severe egg allergy, be sure to talk about your options with your provider.
Pregnant people should not get the flu nasal spray. This is a spray that’s put in your nose.
What are signs and symptoms of the flu?
Common signs and symptoms of the flu include:
- Being very tired (also called fatigue)
- Cough
- Fever (100 F or above), chills or body shakes. Not everyone who has the flu has a fever.
- Headache, or muscle or body aches
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Sore throat
- Vomiting (throwing up) or diarrhea (more common in children)
The flu often comes on quickly. Fever and most other symptoms can last a week or longer. But some people can be sick from the flu for a long time, including children, people older than 65, pregnant women and women who have recently had a baby.
Call 911 and get medical care right away if you have any of these signs or symptoms:
- Feeling your baby move less or not at all
- High fever that doesn’t go down after taking acetaminophen (Tylenol®). Don’t take any medicine without checking with your provider first.
- Severe muscle pain or weakness
- Pain or pressure in the chest or belly
- Sudden dizziness or confusion, or seizures
- Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
- Not urinating (peeing)
- Flu signs or symptoms that get better but then come back with fever and a worse cough
How is the flu treated during pregnancy?
If you think you have the flu even if you’ve already received your flu shot, call your health care provider right away. They may prescribe an antiviral medicine to help prevent or treat the flu. Antivirals kill infections caused by viruses. It can make your flu milder and help you feel better faster. Antivirals also can help prevent serious flu complications, like pneumonia. For flu, antivirals work best if you take them within 2 days of having symptoms. Quick treatment with antiviral medicine can help prevent serious flu complications.
If you’ve had close contact with someone who has the flu during your pregnancy or in the 2 weeks after giving birth, tell your health care provider. Even if you don’t have signs or symptoms of flu, your provider may want to treat you with an antiviral medicine to help prevent you from getting the flu and having serious complications. Visit the CDC website for the latest information on flu antiviral treatments
If you have a fever, call your provider as soon as possible. Before taking any over-the-counter medication, be sure to check with your provider first. Not all medication is safe to take during pregnancy. If you have the flu, get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. You may not want to eat much. Try eating small meals to help your body get better.
How can you stop the flu from spreading?
When you have the flu, you can spread it to others. Here’s what you can do to help prevent it from spreading:
- Stay home when you’re sick and limit contact with others.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue or into your arm. Throw used tissues in the trash.
- Wear a mask if you need to leave home.
- Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Wash your hands with soap and water before touching anyone. You also can use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Use enough hand sanitizer so that it takes at least 15 seconds for your hands to dry.
- Wash your dishes and utensils well with hot soapy water, or in a dishwasher if you have one.
- Don’t share your dishes, glasses, utensils or toothbrush.
Why is the flu so harmful during pregnancy?
The flu can be dangerous during pregnancy because pregnancy affects your immune system, heart and lungs. Your immune system is your body’s way of protecting itself from illnesses and diseases. When your body senses something like a virus that can harm your health, your immune system works hard to fight the virus. When you’re pregnant, your immune system isn’t as quick to respond to illnesses as it was before pregnancy. A lowered immune system means you’re more likely get sick with viruses like the flu.
During pregnancy, your lungs need more oxygen, especially in the second and third trimesters. Your growing belly puts pressure on your lungs, making them work harder in a smaller space. You may even find yourself feeling shortness of breath at times. Your heart is working hard, too. It’s busy supplying blood to you and your baby. All of this means your body is stressed during pregnancy. This stress on your body can make you more likely to get the flu. If you’re pregnant or had a baby within the last 2 weeks, you’re more likely than other women to have serious health problems from the flu.
More information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Flu & Pregnancy
What is the Flu? Common Influenza Questions (
Last reviewed: July, 2024