Join us for the 10th International Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities in the Developing World. We have created a variety of sponsorship packages for your engagement at ICBD2023. If you don’t see a package that’s right for your organization, let us know and we can craft one that meets your needs. Please send an email to [email protected] to verify your interest and we’ll reach out to confirm your participation and sponsorship package.
We’re excited to have you join us and look forward to hearing from you.
Sponsorship Package Benefits

Accelerator Sponsorship: $35,000
- Waived conference registration for up to 5 participants
- Ability to organize one lunch symposium and/or one breakfast symposium
- The lunch symposium speaker will be invited to the invitation-only Speakers Dinner (if held)
- Content and invited speakers are subject to the Scientific Committee’s approval
- Cost of travel, accommodation and registration of the symposium speaker/s will need to be covered by the sponsor
- Printed materials and AV arrangements are responsibility of sponsor
- Ability to choose food and beverage at sponsored symposia
- The lunch symposium speaker will be invited to the invitation-only Speakers Dinner (if held)
- Complementary exhibit booth
- Full-page advertisement in hard copy and digital program
- Special mention in all conference announcements and publications
- Display of 2 banners
- Logo to be included in media announcements in conference website, onsite banner and other signage, the program book and the mobile app
- Inclusion of approved sponsor products/materials in conference bag
Game Changer Sponsorship: $25,000
- Waived registration for up to 4 participants
- Ability to organize one breakfast symposium
- Content and invited speakers are subject to the Scientific Committee’s approval
- Cost of travel, accommodation and registration of the symposium speaker/s will need to be covered by the sponsor
- Printed materials and AV arrangements are responsibility of sponsor
- Ability to choose food and beverage at sponsored symposia
- The lunch symposium speaker will be invited to the invitation-only Speakers Dinner (if held)
- Complementary exhibit booth
- Full-page advertisement in hard copy and digital program
- Special mention in all conference announcements and publications
- Display of 2 banners
- Logo to be included in media announcements in conference website, onsite banner and other signage, the program book and the mobile app
- Inclusion of approved sponsor products/materials in conference bag
Catalyzer Sponsorship: $15,000
- Waived registration for up to 3 participants
- Complementary exhibit booth
- Half-page advertisement in hard copy and digital program
- Display of 2 banners
- Logo to be included in media announcements in conference website, onsite banner and other signage, the program book and the mobile app
- Inclusion of approved sponsor products/materials in conference bag
Galvanizer Sponsorship: $10,000
- Waived registration for 2 participant
- Complementary exhibit booth
- Quarter-page advertisement in program book
- Display of 1 banner
- Logo to be included in media announcements in conference website, onsite banner and other signage, the program book and the mobile app
Contributor Sponsorship: $5,000
- Waived registration for 1 participant
- Complementary exhibit booth at the symposium
- Display of 1 banner
- Logo to be included in media announcements in conference website, onsite banner and other signage, the program book and the mobile app
For more details about the conference and to discuss these or other sponsorship opportunities, please contact: [email protected]