Vaccines keep us healthy

July 16, 2024

Vaccines are so important to our health and well-being. They keep us safe from diseases. There’s a lot of information out there about this topic, and it can be overwhelming and hard to know what’s true and not true. Below we’ve listed 3 important things you need to know about vaccines:

  • Vaccines help protect you from diseases, but during pregnancy you also pass this protection to your baby. That’s why if you’re pregnant, or planning to get pregnant, being up-to-date on all of your vaccinations is so important.
  • Vaccines are very safe. They are carefully tested and checked by scientists and health care professionals before anyone can get them.
  • Many of the diseases that vaccinations help prevent once infected and killed many children in this country. Because of vaccinations, most people don’t get these diseases anymore.

Most adults in the U.S. received vaccines during childhood. If you’re not sure about what vaccinations you’ve had, talk to your health care provider. In most cases, your provider can do blood tests to find out what vaccinations you need. If you’re planning to get pregnant, you can ask your provider to do this test during your preconception checkup.

Vaccines during and after pregnancy

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends four vaccines during pregnancy:

  • Flu—A flu shot during pregnancy protects you from serious complications and protects your baby for several months after birth.  
  • Whooping cough (or Tdap)—When you get the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy, your body makes antibodies and you pass some of them to your baby before birth. These antibodies give your baby some short-term, early protection against whooping cough.
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus (or RSV) - You can protect your baby from getting RSV by getting the vaccine when you are pregnant (32 to 36 weeks, from September to January if possible). Or you can you can have your baby get the RSV immunization during their first RSV season, when they are 8 months old or younger. Talk to your healthcare provider for the best way for you.
  • COVID-19 -The CDC recommends that everyone aged 6 months and older get the COVID-19 vaccine. Pregnant people are at a higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19. If you're pregnant, it's important to get the COVID-19 vaccine to help protect yourself and your baby. If you have any concerns or questions about getting vaccinated, talk to your doctor.

If you weren’t able to get caught up on vaccinations before pregnancy, or missed any while you were pregnant, do it after your baby’s born. This can help protect you from diseases in future pregnancies.

Vaccines and your baby

Vaccinations protect your baby from 14 serious and potentially deadly diseases before their second birthday. Most babies, including preterm and low birthweight babies, can follow the vaccination schedule from the CDC. Ask your baby’s provider if this schedule is right for your baby.

If your baby has a health condition, travels outside the U.S. or has contact with someone who has a disease, the provider may recommend a different schedule.

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