Blue Jeans for Babies (Alabama)

An annual t-shirt campaign, raising awareness of Prematurity.

Place your shirt orders between August 1st - September 30th.

Thursday, August 1, 2024  |  12 a.m. EST

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What is Blue Jeans for Babies®? 
Blue Jeans for Babies® allows individuals within companies, schools, and organizations to purchase a T-shirt from March of Dimes and wear it on a specific day, demonstrating their support of March of Dimes’ mission to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies. 

March of Dimes in Alabama has raised more than $3 million through Blue Jeans for Babies® since 1997. Money raised through Blue Jeans for Babies® helps to support research, lead programs, and provide education and advocacy so that every baby can have the best possible start.

Orders will be accepted through the online system or through a traditional order form between August 1st and September 30th. We will place the full T-shirt order, with our shirt vendor, the first week of October. Shirts take around 3 weeks for creation and sorting. We plan to start distributing shirts the week of October 28th and have all shirts distributed by November 8th.

Each November, organizations and individuals around the globe observe Prematurity Awareness Month and help to spread the word about the common, costly, and critical problem of premature birth. In Alabama, March of Dimes will once again host “Blue Jeans for Babies Day” during the month of November. Join us and thousands of others on November 17th, World Prematurity Day, as we raise awareness of premature birth.


Blue Jeans for Babies features a unique annual t-shirt design to help promote Premature Awareness as well as the mission of the March of Dimes - to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies. Purchase your shirt(s) today to support our mission.


Light Pink Comfort Color Shirt with Hot Pink Text on front and Sponsor Logos on the back in White. Available in Short Sleeves, Long Sleeves & Youth Short Sleeves.


Light Blue Comfort Color Shirt with Navy Text on front and Sponsor Logos on the back in White. Available in Short Sleeves, Long Sleeves & Youth Short Sleeves.


Crimson Comfort Color Shirt with White Text on the front and Sponsor Logos on the back in White. Available in Short Sleeves, Long Sleeves & Youth Short Sleeves.


Grey Comfort Color Shirt with Navy Text on the front and Sponsor Logos on the back in White. Available in Short Sleeves, Long Sleeves & Youth Short Sleeves.

Island Green

Light Kelly Green Comfort Color Shirt with Light Pink Text on front and Sponsor Logos on back in White. Available in Short Sleeve, & Long Sleeve. Not available in Youth.


Orange Comfort Color Shirt with Navy Text on front and Sponsor Logos on back in White. Available in Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve & Youth Short Sleeve.


Light Purple Comfort Color Shirt with Cornflower Blue Text on front and Sponsor Logos on back in White. Available in Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve & Youth Short Sleeve.


Companies, organizations, schools, and families appoint a coordinator within their group to help pre-sell March of Dimes Blue Jeans for Babies® T-shirts to their colleagues, classmates, friends, and/or family. Participants will receive flyers, supporting messages, and an online ordering link to support the campaign. Once your business, organization, school, or family decides to participate, please email Ashley Gorum at [email protected]

If you would like to talk to your March of Dimes contact about our Blue Jeans for Babies campaign, you may reach out to them through email or phone as listed below. We would love to answer your questions and help you have a successful Blue Jeans for Babies campaign within your company, school, or organization.

So, start spreading the word with your colleagues, classmates, friends, and family today to find out who may be interested in supporting March of Dimes through the 2024 Blue Jeans for Babies T-shirt campaign!  And DON'T FORGET, pre-orders will only be accepted through September 30, 2024. T-shirts will start being distributed the week of October 28th.



View our updated event acknowledgements and waivers here.