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Alcohol and Pregnancy (Bilingual)
Describes the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Gives tips and referrals to help pregnant women stop drinking alcohol.
Drugs and Pregnancy (Bilingual)
This brochure tells women about the harmful effects drugs can have on a baby during pregnancy. Identifies harmful illegal drugs and gives women tips and referrals to help...
Prescription Opioid (Spanish) Digital Version
One low annual fee per year, will allow you to have unlimited access to view and print. View the publication right from your desktop or mobile device from a link you will...
Smoking and Pregnancy (Bilingual) [2016 Edition]
Smoking during pregnancy not only harms the pregnant woman, it can be dangerous for her baby. It can cause low birth weight or cause the baby to be born prematurely, whic...
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In the NICU for a Shorter Stay: A Guide for Parents (Booklet)$40.00 /Package of 10 |
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