In the NICU for a Shorter Stay: A Guide for Parents

In the NICU for a Shorter Stay: A Guide for Parents

This booklet is designed to meet the needs of families with a baby in the NICU for 2 weeks or less. Topics include answers to common questions about baby's NICU stay, fee...

Booklet - English

$40.00/Package of 10


IN STOCK (2611)


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In the NICU for a Shorter Stay: A Guide for Parents (Spanish)

In the NICU for a Shorter Stay: A Guide for Parents (Spanish)

This booklet is designed to meet the needs of families with a baby in the NICU for 2 weeks or less. Topics include answers to common questions about baby's NICU stay, fee...

Booklet - Spanish

$40.00/pkg 10


IN STOCK (343)


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The NICU Journey: Caring for Your Baby in the NICU and at Home (English)

The NICU Journey: Caring for Your Baby in the NICU and at Home (English)

This booklet is designed to meet the needs of families with a baby in the NICU for longer than 2 weeks. Topics include answers to common questions about baby's NICU stay,...

Booklet - English

$40.00/Package of 10


IN STOCK (5111)


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